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In this age of information technology, students are very well familiar with the internet and computer. So internet based education system is getting popular day by day. Continuing on the same trend, the web/internet based online exams/tests are also the latest vogue, and so the requirement of the time. This application, called Exam on Air is designed and implemented as an online exam or online test platform. It provides the means for Directors/ Exam coordinator of the educational / Training organizations to manage their online exams, and for students to take them effortlessly.
Exam on Air is the most sophisticated, innovative and user friendly online test platform and promises to its clients to help them automate their online examination process completely. From registrations of students to creating test paper for them by uploading of question paper on its own - everything is in the control of our clients
The online test platform runs on a beautiful web portal which has a most comprehensive and flexible administrator panel as well as a very attractive and appealing interface at user end for your students. Both the panels Administrator's and that of the Student's are highly secured and can be accessed by the unique Id and password. More over and more importantly you can easily make this splendid online test platform as part of your official website ...platform is ours but URL is yours! As simple as that!
As an overview you can expect the following from this online test platform-
  • The Most Advance and Comprehensive Online Test Platform
  • Your own Test center
  • Complete freedom to Manage it yourself
  • Quick and intelligent uploading of questions.
  • Adaptability to any kind of test pattern or marking scheme
  • 3600 analysis of the performances
  • Ultimate and compact test reports
  • Ease in use and manage
  • Comprehensive and futuristic test manager
  • Conduct online test as well as simulate off line test environment
  • Track students progress and guide them more efficiently
  • Do your own business! Show entrepreneurship!
  • No hardware, software licensing cost. Pay as per your use!
Read or evaluate any kind of OMR sheet that is, it may be admission form or test paper answer sheet or psycho - metric tests or survey/ feedback forms, Yomark reads everything for you.
CHRONON is a solution that provides you freedom from DTP operators and teachers for conducting tests or exams in your organization or Institute. Use Chronon and get rid of the cycle of cut- paste- print out-corrections.